Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Inspector gadget credits analysis

The opening sequence of Inspector Gadget helps the viewer get into the genre and gives some information on what the film is going to be about.

At first we see the disney logo, this logo has been adapted in order to suit the film. As you can see the disney castle has been changed to fit in with the gadget theme of the film for example the cog is over the back if the castle which shows that gadgets and mechanisms are going to be a key feature in this film. The opening scene is very appropriate to the film as it includes many gadgets e.g. mouse traps which could imply what is going to happen in the film. The title "Inspector Gadget" is shown in the opening sequence as it involves a lot of cogs and bolts which implies that the film is going to involve building gadgets or alread having them for use. It also reaches its target audience by using everyday items and childrens toys to engage the younger audience. Also using random items like scissors makes the viewer wonder what is going to happen or what the film is about meaning they are more likely to want to watch the film. The use of the credits in this sequence makes them more interesting to watch rather than listing them. This may make the film see more interesting and that the film makers have thought about how to make the viewers more interested in the film. Having something interesting at the start of the film like this will make more people want to carry on and watch the film due to being intrigued by what is happening in the credits. The soundtrack is also played over the top to make the credits even more upbeat and interesting. The sound effects of what is happening in the scence is then played over the top of the soundtrack to add effect. 

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